What is the Difference in between Traditional and Digital Marketing?

What is the Difference in between Traditional and Digital Marketing?

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What is The Difference Between Traditional And Digital Marketing?

Marketing is the process of promoting and selling your products and services to the relevant customers. Marketing is of two types one will be traditional marketing and another one is digital marketing. Traditional advertising will be the previous method of marketing your solutions and item by posting ads in newspaper publishers, magazines, billboards, radio, televisions, etc. while internet marketing is the process of marketing your company's products and services using digital technologies like search engine optimization, search engine marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing and many more.

Nowadays businesses prefer internet marketing over traditional marketing as people are more digitally active than before and it is easy to reach them to be converted as a customer. Besides that, there are other reasons why businesses like digital marketing over traditional marketing. Let's have a look at these differences.

1. Target Audience

In traditional advertising, one cannot customize their audience whereas in digital marketing one can choose whom to show the ads and whom to approach with their business message based on the gender, income, location, interest, etc.

2. Cost

Traditional marketing is costly than digital marketing. Publishing ads on newspapers and magazines will cost you much more than publishing ads on social media and search engines.


In traditional advertising, one can't know how many people have exactly seen his/her ad but in digital marketing, one can measure the output achieved through every penny he/she has invested in ads. In digital marketing, we can have an accurate idea about how many people possess seen our ad, what is the gender of our audience and from which country our audience belongs.

4. Communication

Traditional marketing is a one-way communication whereas digital marketing is two-way communication and thus customers feel more satis certainlyfied as they have an option to interact instant with the seller while in traditional marketing it's a long process to connect to the products/service provider through ads.

The best website optimization technique is SEO.

Now let's have a look at What is SEO:

SEO (Search engine optimization) is a process of optimizing your blog/website to make it rank higher on the search engine result page of sites like Google, Bing and Yahoo. SEO is a marketing dwill becipline focused on the growing visibility of your website to get more organic traffic on your website.

Type of Search Engine Optimization:

1. On page SEO

SEO (also known as on-site SEO) refers to the activities that are carried on a web page that is to be published to drive traffic to the website and increase the ranking of the website.

- on-page SEO techniques include:
- Publishing high-quality high-quality content
- Keyword Density (1-3%)
- Publishing unique content
- Image optimization
- Image with Alt attribute
- Keyword-rich URL, description and title
- Keywords in H1 and H2
- Page loading time should be less
- The website should be mobile-friendly
- Sitemap.xml file creation
- There should be favicon
- Custom 404
- Canonicalization

2. Off Page SEO

SEO refers to the activities that are carried on a web page after it goes live on the web. Off page SEO concentrates on improving your domain's authority by obtaining links from other websites.

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